Copy refresher freelance copywriter Random Writer Thoughts Writer for hire

If you’re going to blog, blog.

I’ve been involved with a particular health and beauty client for more than ten years. We’ve been through a couple web site iterations together.

A few weeks ago, we were discussing some easy things they could do to liven up their current site.

This particular client had their latest site built to be a content hub, but hadn’t added any new content in over a year. Front and center on their homepage they were displaying blog posts dated over a year ago.

They’re not the only ones who do this – I fall victim to it myself.

One of the easiest ways to liven your site up and let people know your brand is still alive and well is to add some fresh content!

It’s so easy to think that your site is going to provide fresh content – so you have features built to showcase that content. Unfortunately, there’s never enough time to around and that content never gets written. Your site showcases the same content for years at a time and sales suffer.

One way to solve this is to outsource your copywriting. Get your brand on a schedule with a copywriter where a new article or blog post will show up in your inbox ready-to-go every month. Set it and forget it.

As a side note, I’ve also counseled clients who don’t have much time to avoid utilizing “live chat” tools on their site. If you always have someone around and able to chat, great. Unfortunately, I’ve seen many, many clients who do not. This gives potential customers a bad taste in their mouth when they attempt to use your instant click to chat to ask a question, but are left to wonder why there’s no customer service around to answer their live request at one in the afternoon. Or two. Or so on. This particular issue isn’t one you can solve with a copywriter for hire, but it’s something I would recommend leaving off of your site until your company is a size that can support full-time customer service reps who can put the live in live chat.